Did Drake feat. Michael Jackson take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Drake feat. Michael Jackson

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Unveiling the Melodic Journey: Drake and Michael Jackson

The music industry has witnessed the meteoric rise of numerous artists, but few have captivated the audience like Drake and the legendary Michael Jackson. Both have charted unique paths to musical excellence, integrating varying degrees of formal training and natural talent. This article explores their journey, focusing on whether they took singing lessons, their learning processes, and insights into their singing coaches. Discover how to weave some of their techniques into your singing prowess with help from Singing Carrots resources.

Drake's Vocal Voyage

Drake, a powerhouse in modern music, with a unique blend of rap and R&B, hasn't publicly mentioned undergoing traditional singing lessons. His journey underscores the power of practice, experimenting with styles, and the emotive conveyance of lyrics. Drake's evolution from an actor to a music icon exemplifies learning through doing, a testament to the fact that the right environment, perseverance, and continuous learning can refine natural talent into global stardom.

Michael Jackson's Artistic Genesis

Michael Jackson, known as the "King of Pop," had a different start. Beginning his career at a young age, Jackson received vocal training from various singing coaches, including renowned figures such as Seth Riggs. This formal training, combined with an innate musical sensibility, facilitated Jackson's development of a distinct vocal style, marked by clarity, emotional range, and an ability to perform complex vocal runs and pitch-perfect falsettos.

Practical Advice for Aspiring Singers

To emulate Drake's emotive delivery, focus on authenticity and connecting with the lyrics. Practice articulating your experiences through song, a technique that can be honed using the Pitch Training tool. For those looking to achieve the vocal agility of Michael Jackson, rigorous practice combined with learning from experienced singing coaches is key. Starting with basics such as breath control and gradually moving to advanced techniques like vibrato can lay a strong foundation. The Vocal range test and Pitch accuracy test are excellent starting points to understand your vocal capabilities.

Both artists showcase that whether through formal singing lessons or self-guided learning, consistency, passion, and practice are indispensable. Explore various educational singing courses and tools offered by Singing Carrots to embark on your journey toward vocal excellence, mirroring the dedication seen in Drake and Michael Jackson's illustrious careers.


The vocal paths of Drake and Michael Jackson, though divergent, highlight the essence of versatility and relentless practice. By adopting a mix of self-learning and formal training, supported by digital tools and resources, aspiring singers can navigate their unique musical landscapes. Remember, the journey of a thousand songs begins with a single note. Start yours today with Singing Carrots.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners